James Alphonsus Dugan
I'm adding this entry today not being really sure what the orginal scope of this wiki was, or whether Dad belongs within it. But I want at the very least to get his dates of birth and death written down.
- born December 27, 1936
- died July 27, 2001 (age 64)
BenDugan - 16 Mar 2016
Notes from Dad's Short Family History Narrative
These are notes I took as Dad tried to recount family facts he wanted to pass on. This is from 2001, when I visited him as he was struggling with the pancreatic cancer that he died from later in the year. I think this was the same visit where Patrick came with Emma and Muriel, too.
I am sorry these are very sketchy. I think we did this in two short sessions and he was tired as he told me this stuff.
Aunt Margaret 219 Victoria Ave. in Woodcrest Accross from
__ School.
"Toove"? irish fix-it guy re-opened mortgage on something.
L? (Liberty?) Housing dev Woodcrest, owned by Gerry's father
Surry Ave named after Gerry's pony
Mrs. Latimer was source of his wealth. Latimers owned a shipping business (w/ China trade)
Gerry's birth mother: died from tuberculosis 3 mos after birth : Feeney (last name)
Her father remarried: the maid (wetnurse) : Mary (Scandinavian) - Mary had 8 children.
Had Gerry been a boy they could've had a baseball team.
Grandmother McGovern not great, greedy, dumb.
Latimers across street from McGovern - the Latimers owned a lot of land
Christiana river to Wilming - Maryland Ave up to Belvedere
Latimer gave Woodcrest to McGovern
McGovern: coal business Builders Supply
he refused to go along with price fixing
Gerry was
disowned when she married dad's father
Recall father coming up steps - bender - didn't drive & go in rear
Father didn't abuse Gerry; Gerry may have abused him.
McGovern's sister married McGlaughlin - Charlie - he stayed in touch with Gerry after she was cut off
First coal delivered free
Oil conversion handled by McGlaughlin
Margaret: Grandmother McGovern's youngest sister: old maid
The Brandywine family: brought over as indentured servants: house servants
Wilmington: Allied (?): Dog shot collected by George McGovern and taken to Allied Ch?
Dad grade 5th - 6th grade: 1st one home: no sign of Aunt Margaret - found her in basement
Piece of clothesline in hand: all puffed up + dead next door to Mrs Appleby - she went hysterical
Dad called Charles McGlaughlin - she had heart attack - very overweight.
Wake + funeral: St Josephs on the Brandywine
Housekeeper: Mrs. Guessford 8 - 10 mos.
After Margaret's death family re united to some extent
Billy, Hank + George got control of business + things back to normal more or less
BenDugan - 12 January 2020
Birth Certificate