Porch Colum Bases

This is a rebuild of this page: I had done soemthing close before but lost it when I trashed a big chunk of this wiki. I have made two of these so far but now I need to remind myself how it's done.


The column bases are made as 3 layers 1-1/2" thick each.

1. Top Layer: round with custom routed profile

The key dimension to everything is the diameter at the base of the column, because that is very visble in relation to the top of this layer. Measure the column base diameter as the first step, using a bike brake cable to measure the circumference accurately (the brake cable is nice and flexible but doesn't strech).

How much bigger is the diameter of this layer at its widest point compared to the bottom circumference of the column?

2x 0.3125" = 0.625"

Is this layer made with 2x4 stock?

Yes, and also the middle layer.

Is it made with 4 pieces mitered at 45°?

No: we will use 6 pieces mitered at 30° (or 60°).

How long should each outer edge be?

7-1/2" outside length should cover this and the middle layers for all columns (doubel check this).

How are the pieces joined?

Pocketed screws and glue.

2. Middle layer: round with custom routed profile

3. Bottom layer: Square with chamfer

Router Profile

I sent this file to Orbit Tools: custom_router_profile.pdf

This is what they sent back for confirmation: 4223.PDF:

-- BenDugan - 11 Apr 2021

The Seven Columns

Starting with the most Northern one, to the left of the front door when facing it from the outside.

Column Circumference at base R Rtop Rmid Rbot Notes
1 2'7" 4.93"  
2 2'6-5/8" 4.875"  
3           base already done
4           base already done
5 2'7" 4.93" 5.38" 6.18" 6.43" corner
6 2'6-1/4" 4.81" 5.26" 6.06" 6.31"  
7 2'6-3/8" 4.83" 5.28" 6.08" 6.33"  

  • Rtop = R + 0.45"
  • Rmid = R + 1.25"
  • Rbot = R + 1.5"

-- Main.BenDugan - 27 Sep 2021 - 21:37

With 2x4 construction the pieces will get pretty thin on the top section and there will only be room for one dowel or screw. 2x6 is probably better for this. But can the miter saw cut a 2x6?

-- Main.BenDugan - 08 Jan 2022 - 09:48
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Feb 2022, BenDugan
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